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What exactly is mortgage stress and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

Better Loan Solutions in Mornington PeninsulaLearning CentreInsights

What exactly is mortgage stress and what measures can be taken to prevent it?

Households often struggle with their largest monthly expense, the mortgage. Financial troubles or excessive debt can result in mortgage stress, while the increasing cost of living, such as pricey fuel and groceries, poses a challenge for household budgets.

Do you know what mortgage stress is and how to steer clear of it? Our compilation of its definition, techniques to handle it, and top 10 tips for averting it will enlighten you.  

Tips for managing mortgage payments and alleviating financial strain 

We can help. 

It's important to review your home loan regularly to ensure it still meets your needs.
Working with a mortgage broker can help make the process easier.


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